Automotive Prototype Construction

During the existence of Bakker Framebouw numerous customers from the automotive branch have found us for the construction of a diversity of prototypes.

You can think of:

- chassis

- exhaust systems

- rolling chassis (front / rear suspension)

For some examples see below:

Nuon Solar Team

Nuna 1 Aluminium Chassis Nuna 1 Aluminium Chassis

Nuna 5 Roll Cage Titanium Nuna 5 Roll Cage Titanium

Spyker automobilen

For our Spyker we have build the prototype for the exhaust system of thevarious CNC-milled parts, as well as the header of the exhaust system.

Header exhaust system Header exhaust system Header exhaust system Header exhaust system


Ferron / Silvermine

For our Ferron / Silvermine we have build various CNC-milled parts, as well as the header of the exhaust system.

Header exhaust system Header exhaust system Header exhaust system Header exhaust system

Frame gearbox Frame gearbox Frame gearbox

For more information about Ferron / Silvermine, please visit their web-site:

Website Ferron Website Silvermine